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15% of each purchase from this site will be donated to charity

My experiences dealing with cancer and and watching those I care for deal with devastating diseases is the impetus to donate to causes that help others.  Throughout the year I change up the charity that I contribute to. 
15% of each sale from this site will be donated to NATIONAL BRAIN TUMOR SOCIETY in memory of my beautiful mom.


​Creating jewelry allows me to do something I love and donate some proceeds to charities that help others.   Creating has been my anchor in many storms and I will always be grateful and aware that it is a gift and one that makes me happy to do and share. 15% of every sale will be donated to charity. 


​The pieces above came from witnessing one of the cruelest diseases.  It is so difficult to watch someone struggle with their cognitive skills and abilities and not be able to stop the process.  I'm hopeful that one day we will be able to prevent Neurodegenerative diseases.

life is a gift...enjoy and appreciate it


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